Monday, August 23, 2010

Jacob's First Swim at Collin's Birthday Party

This past Saturday Matthew's friend Collin had a pool party. We saw lots of kids Matthew's age. Both Matthew and Jacob had a great time. Jacob had his first swim (August 21, 2010). The pool was more beautiful than any resort I have seen.
Before the party.

Jacob enjoying some time with Collin's Grandma.

Brothers relaxing together after the party.

Astros Game with Unkie Jude and IBM

Tony, Unkie Jude, Matthew and I went to the Astros vs. Pirates game on Sunday August 15th. This was Matthew's third game to attend since his first game on Sept. 9, 2008. Matthew really enjoyed looking through the binoculars, harassing people with his Rockets thundersticks, doing the wave and watching the train toot its horn after every Astros home run.

Grandma and Grandpa watched Jacob while we went to the game.

Monday, August 2, 2010

Collin and Matthew Fall Down--Shake your Bon Bon

We had visitors Sunday afternoon. We saw our good friends Chris, Laura, and their 2 (almost 3) year old Collin. Matthew and Collin are very close in age. We hadn't seen each other in a long time but it wasn't due to lack of trying. We realized that Matthew and Collin must have remembered each other because they played so well. Matthew just lit up and seemed eager to show Collin everything he has learned since last time he saw him, ie. kicking the ball in the house, throwing plastic toys at Tony's face, falling down to have a mini temper tantrum. Collin showed Matthew some really cute things, "Shake his bon bon, shake his bon bon". He also taught Matthew (and Tony and I) some new words, "Pang Pang". Chris and Laura also had a soothing affect on Jacob. He was Mr. Charming for them.

The States of Things to Come

Matthew's grandfather has been going over the states and the capitals now everytime he comes over. Matthew loves it. When he sees Grampa pull out the big map on posterboard. He runs over to his grandpa to sit on his lap and repeat the states. He repeats every state and the capitals. My father taught me the capital of the states when I a little older than Matthew. I would be quizzed by friends and relatives whenever they saw me. They loved to ask me what the capital of Florida was just to hear me say, Towalassie!

Qbert Fall Down

Tony took this video of Matthew jumping down the stairs. We always tell him, "Hold the handrails" and he does even when he jumps (most of the time). Tony says that he looks like a 90's video game called Qbert. I will take his word for it. I am not familiar with that game.