Sunday, May 30, 2010

Crown Royal Jacob

When Matthew was born Kerry and Jude gave him this outfit made out of Crown Royal bags. The joke present was in reference to a gag on The Simpsons. I know I shouldn't compare but can you tell which one is Matthew and which one is Jacob?

"Bye Bye Poo Poo, See You Tomorrow"

A quote from Matthew after he flushed the toilet this morning: "Bye bye poo poo, see you tomorrow."

New Double Stroller

A couple of weekends ago we bought a double stroller. I wasn't sure that Matthew would like it or want to go for walks with me and Jacob but so far I have discovered that Matthew loves the new stroller.

Matthew decided that his piggies needed to go for a walk.

Soccer Tots

When we moved to Pearland I enrolled Matthew in Soccer Tots in nearby Friendswood. Now every Saturday Matthew attends soccer lessons with his daddy. Now Matthew isn't stuck in the house with his boring mother spends all day feeding Baby Jacob and changing his diapers. Here are some photos that Soccer Dad took.

At the end of a Soccer Tots session Matthew enjoys the parachute game. Does this remind him of Gymboree? I am sure it does.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Jacob and his Easy Milk

On May 10, when I took Jacob to his two week well baby exam he weighted 8 lbs 10 oz. He was supposed to weigh his birth weight of 9 lbs. 3 oz by this time. The doctor told me to come back the next week for a weigh in. If he wasn't up to his birth weight by then we would discuss supplementing with formula. Through discussions with a lactation consultant we developed a plan of pumping milk after every feeding and giving Jacob the expressed milk when he showed signs that he wanted more. The good news is that this plan worked. The next week he reached his birth weight and he has been gaining an ounce a day on average. The bad news is that Jacob seems to like his "easy" milk too much. He cries after every feeding for it. I am hoping that eventually I can stop the cycle of breastfeeding Jacob, pumping, feeding Jacob the expressed milk etc. However, I will continue to do this for the time being since it is working. Despite the extra time it takes to pump, the benefit is that others can feed Jacob and give me time to do other things around the house.

Dance Lessons with Kerry

On Saturday May 15th Tony and Matthew went to the Crawfish Boil of some friends, Fergus and Stacy. These are friends who Unkie Jude introduced us too so he and Kerry were there too. I sat this party out since my full time job with a three week old was to feed him constantly. When Tony returned from the party I asked him if Matthew had fun. These photos answered my question.
First Kerry taught Matthew how to dance.

He then danced with some new friends.
and... he got to play with a puppy.