Wednesday, April 28, 2010

closeup video of Jacob

I know that this is not the place to post a purely Jacob video but I wanted to share his cuteness with all of Matthew's blog readers. I am sure that they will enjoy hearing about Matthew's baby brother and, hopefully, they will not mind a post purely about his brother... until we setup a blog site for the newest Varesic that is.

Anyway, here is a closeup video of Jacob take this morning while Matthew was visiting (hint: you see a piggy at the beginning of the video).

Matthew met Jacob today

Matthew came to the hospital this morning to meet Jacob.

He also received a sibling cake. Too bad the picture turned out fuzzy -- guess I forgot to turn the camera flash back on...

After meeting his little brother, he found the examination gloves all by himself. Right then and there he decided that if he was not going to be a drummer when he grew up, he'd be a doctor. I think that he's so darn cute wearing those gloves...

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Mattthew's baby brother has arrived!

Dad here.

Jacob was born yesterday morning (April 26th) at 11:16 am. Both mom and baby are still in the hospital. The earliest that they can be released is on Thursday.

I just wanted to post a few of my favorite pictures that I have taken. Just a warning: these pictures are a bit grainy as I did not want to use the flash and blind the newborn.

Like Matthew, Jacob fell asleep on my lap today. This was when I really saw the resemblance to his big brother.

Jacob has already figured out how to escape from the swaddle. This took Matthew a few days to master. Hmmm. Maybe now, Dad will watch how the pediatric nurses swaddle infants so their arms do not escape...

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Matthew's Dream Monkey Encounter or Preparing for Baby Brother?

This past weekend Tony, Matthew, and I spent several hours on Sunday looking for a couch for our living room. Although, it isn't the most pleasant thing to do when 8 and 3/4 months pregnant, I knew it would be ideal to have a new comfortable couch by the time Matthew's baby brother arrives. We didn't have much luck finding one on Sunday. Monday evening we went to Gallery furniture. I wish we went there first for many reasons. First, we found a very comfortable couch. Secondly, Gallery Furniture is the most child friendly store I have ever been to. After we bought the couch we didn't want to leave. There was an indoor playground that unfortunately Matthew didn't have time to play in. But the most appealing feature to Matthew was the MONKEYS! In the middle of the store they have a monkey playground where you can watch five monkeys play and climb. They were so cute and toddler-like. They seemed to be playing games with Matthew's toy monkey Bongo through the cage. They would jump at the toy monkey and then sprint away. It was very funny. Tony, thought I was freaking out the real monkeys by pretending that Bongo was one of them. Gallery Furniture had a photographer who pulled out a monkey from the cage, Jinx, a white-throated capuchin. He swaddled him like a baby and we got a photo of Matthew holding him. Maybe this is good preparation for Matthew's baby brother.

If you need furniture I highly recommend Gallery Furniture and no Mattress Mack didn't pay me to say that. When you go, make sure you check out the monkey's, especially if you have a two year old.

Friday, April 2, 2010

St. John Vianny Easter Egg Hunt and Picnic

On Saturday morning March 27th we took Matthew to St. John Vianny's annual Easter Egg Hunt and picnic. Two weeks ago we moved to the other side of town but we decided to make a point to go to our old neighborhood for this event. Matthew found a dozen eggs with candy and then handed his basket to his Daddy while he played on the playground equipment. He got a visit from the Easter Bunny. Then Matthew jumped in a spacewalk while Tony and I enjoyed some kolaches.

Mommy and Matthew before the kiddos are released to find Easter Eggs.

The playground fort from the Matthew's point of view.

The playground fort from the Easter Bunny's point of view.