Friday, February 26, 2010

Hello Baby Brother

I cannot believe that I am going to put video of my exposed belly on this blog but I know some family members and friends will appreciate Matthew's first converstion with his baby brother.

Monday, February 22, 2010

Cousin Trinity's Visit to Houston

On Valentine's Day Matthew met his cousin Trinity for the first time. The two of them got along swimmingly, especially since Trinity likes Rock Band and feeding animals too. We could definitely see the family resemblance when looking at the two of them together, even though many claim that Matthew looks like Tony's side of the family. I am hoping that there are many more visits from Trinity and his parents in the future but not for next 3 years as they will be stationed in Okinawa, Japan.

Yes, that is Matthew on the floor in the background.

A new use for Fruit Loops?

Dad here...

Somehow, Matthew broke the stem on his right hearing aid last Saturday morning. We did not witness what he was doing to cause the break but we saw him holding his broken hearing aid in his hands a little while after it happened.

Later that morning, we were shopping at Target for birthday cards for a party we were going to later in the day. To help the time go by (and to keep him from fidgeting too much), we offered his some Fruit Loops. While waiting in the checkout line, Matthew tried to put a Fruit Loop into each ear! I guess Matthew has completely adapted to his hearing aids and now that they were not in, he knew that something was missing and he thought that a Fruit Loop would do the trick.

Unfortunately, Maria did not witness this but she cracked up when I told her about it...

All of this ended well. Maria went to Matthew's ear doctor today and he was able to replace the stem in no time. Now, Matthew will have no reason to place Fruit Loops or, God forbid, something else into ear canals. :-)

Since Mom almost always end the post with a cute picture of Matthew, here is a picture I took in the gonldola between Mountain Village and Telluride, Colorado last August.