Wednesday, June 25, 2008

It was Professor Plum in the Conservatory.. I mean Living Room

Who left those blood-like stains in the living room? Did the dogs or cat cut their paw and walk around on the light colored carpet? Did Daddy cut his finger setting up the stereo? Did Mommy scrape her knee while crawling around determining what needs to be baby proofed? Your CLUE is that it was none of these things.

It was Professor Plum using his four teeth in the living room.

Friday, June 20, 2008

Quick Matthew Catch Up - More Milestones

Finally I have a chance to provide a quick update on Matthew's new developments and adventures. Lately, Matthew has been enjoying anything that makes a lot of noise. He found a metal dog dish on the tile floor and he just loves to crawl and drag it with him, making quite a clamor. I handed him a plastic bat to bam the upside-down dog dish like a drum. He took to that right away. I think he wants to be the drummer in his Uncle Jude's band. As for the walking, Matthew is getting closer and closer. We have seen him stand unsupported for several seconds multiple times and it was reported at daycare that he moved from one chair to another in a standing position (a cross between walking and "cruising").

Lately, Matthew has been waving bye bye (or hello). When picking him up from daycare he waved to me. He has been waving to his daddy and his Deda too.

On Wednesday evening I took Matthew to the mall. I am not much of a shopper so this isn't a frequent occurrence. While there I rode the carousel with Matthew. I had him on the "up and down horse" and he was holding on to the bar and bouncing up and down amid shrieks of glee. I will definitely have to take him there again (especially since it is in the air conditioning).

These carousel photos aren't at the mall. They are at the zoo but you get the point.

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Collin (Cute Baby in Orange): Matthew, Look outside. No one can see us in here. It is time to play Peek-A-Boo through the curtains.

Matthew: I think this is a good time to tell you Collin.. I love you man.

Collin: Quiet Matthew, don't tell anyone!

Splashy Splashy Splash..

Okay, I know that there have been plenty of swimming postings of Matthew lately, but let's face it. It is Summer in Houston and it is HOT!! What else are we going to do? So here is a video of Matthew at the swimming pool a couple of weekends ago. I think that he has come a long way since his traumatic first toe dunking in December of last year.